Monday, December 22, 2008

Abra Cadabra!

Tonight there was a Chanuka party thrown by a friend (we'll call her elana) at Dougie's. Not my favorite place, not my favorite food but some pretty good stuff.
I am happy to say the food was really not my thing. (It is downright shocking to see those words typed on my screen.) Very little food is "not my thing". Therefore the challenge was not as hard as I'd thought. I filled on salad and had one piece of meat, a tiny piece of chicken and slaw. ok, ok you do not want to know every morsel. Basically I did fine. I ate a little, skipped the sufganiya (they make me sick for days), the only thing I had ( after Zehava left, of course) was a tiny egg roll thing filled with potatoes. Yumm!!! But I only ate one and I left.
I am proud, you should be too.
She had a mentalist/magician there and he was a great performer. I was only sad that he did not offer to cut me in half. What a way to lose weight:)
PS I think I found a way to set it up so that you get emails when I post. If anyone is interested (or I flatter myself) let me know and I will try to make it happen. SaraK tech support may have to help but I will try!


zehava said...

Last night at like 1 in the morning, I was about to finally turn my computer off and go to sleep when I thought "hey, I bet Sarah updated her blog." So I went to go look and lo and behold you did! And I wrote this whole long comment and then my computer completely froze, so I tured it off and went to bed. :)

The food last night was terrible, so that probably helped and I'm very proud of you that you stayed away from the Sufganiyot. Though I have to say on my list of evil foods that only evil people eat donuts rank #2. (for #1 tune in tomorrow...) Really, fried cake? Isn't regular cake good enough for you people?? :)

Ok, here's to a very fun and successful Chanukah and remember what you don't eat doesn't stay with you but what you do eat sticks around for a looooong time.

SK said...

I would just like to add about sufganiyot that once She-nerd and I made them and stuffed them with nutty chews (like fried snickers). Talk about evil food-fried cake with a candy bar inside! YUM!!

zehava said...

I am calling whatever body gave "She-nerd" her Nutritionist license and having it revoked. :)

SaraK said...

I am calling whatever body gave "She-nerd" her Nutritionist license and having it revoked. :)

Awesome, Z.

SK, I am so happy that you did well at Dougie's. I got home too late last night to eat a normal dinner before the shul Chanukah party. So I ended up eating 1/2 a sufganiyah and some pretzels and popcorn. Came home with a splitting headache so didn't go to the gym this morning, but the scale still said I lost. I even weighed myself twice because I thought it was a mistake. Weird. Anyway, I have no parties tonight so I hope to have a sensible dinner and also make it to the gym tomorrow morning.

Those sufganiyot you made with She-nerd sound amazing.

SK said...

1/2 a sufganiya better than the whole thing! and just think of the calories you saved by not having the nutty chew inside!

She-nerd said...

z, you neglect to consider my background...making sufganiyot only once on chanukah is major progress! i will proudly say that we are having no sufganiyot or latkas this chanukah. well, i made those frozen ones, the tater-tot-like thingies, but eh, not worth it.

and i didn't really like the nutty chew sufganiyot. it was more of an experiment to see what fried snickers were really like. charles was always using them as an example, so i had to see how that worked. it's kind of cool.

back on subject - great work sarah last night! bad food certainly helps you stay on track. how was the mentalist?

She-nerd said...

and yes, i would like email updates when you post. and how about posting some pics, like of that brown skirt you were planning to wear last night.