Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Google It.

The good news: I lost 1.6lbs at my last weigh in.
And now you are waiting for the bad news and the better news is that there is no bad news. I just started the blog that way and got to thinking that everyone will be expecting bad news. There is none, my car is currently cleaner because the snow has wiped away all of the stuff. Thanks, G-d.
I have been super busy the past few days and I have very little time to write right now because I am on my way out the door. I just couldn't pass up the oppotunity to update yall on the weight loss. Go me. I am still struggling with the balance but obviously when you lose instead of gain it is easier to stay focused.
I learned last night (thanks, Ilana) that if I ever move out of the US it will be to Australia. Why, you might ask?
In Australia I would only weigh about 11 stones.
Have a great one guys.


SaraK said...

Yay, Sarah!!

In Australia I would only weigh about 11 stones.

Looking forward to a blog-friendly Friday night with Shmarg and Co. :)

zehava said...

I second the Yay Sarah!!! See its worth it to keep going...Slow and steady wins the race you know? You've already completed 1/12th of keeping your hightest weight in 2009 on January 1st. :)

Yaffa/Yitz said...

Hi, Sarah. I am a friend of Zehava's. She sent me the link to your blog. I am dieting and losing weight, too. Congrats on losing 1.6. I lost 1.5 this week (my scale only measures to the closest 0.5 lb). Keep it up. -Yaffa

SK said...

Yaffa, Welcome to the blog. Hope you enjoy and it keeps you motivated!

Anonymous said...

Am already planning our blog friendly meal this Friday night ... E has gotten very into all of this and even made whole wheat cous cous tonight as the requisite carb at dinner - thank you, Sk!