Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snarky but Skinny

Today's blog is dedicated to dear friends of mine who have changed their own way of eating in order to accommodate mine. They know who they are but in case you don't I am giving a huge shout out to M and E for forgoing their fattening pasta with cream sauce (which they can both afford, but which Z thinks should not be allowed on the planet) in order to eat tilapia and asparagus with me. It means a lot to me to have friends that know when to share their milk chocolate Godiva with me and when to hold me back. So thanks guys and I am so grateful to you both.

I need to get psyched for eating healthy over this weekend because we will be having a lot of festivities, a Shabbos kallah followed by a wedding which means a lot of eating and certainly a lot of fun.
I need a plan, though.
I have decided to make my weight loss goal known to you all for this week so when Tuesday comes I will be held to it. My goal for this week is to lose 1 lb. That will take off the half I gained and lower my number so I am down nine pounds. It will leave me with nine lbs left to reach my goal. It is not an unrealisitic goal and if I keep my eyes on the goal then I will be able to do it.
So if you are with me this weekend, gently remind me that I want this, and when I get snarky back, just IGNORE me and repeat yourself.
Thanks, it may not seem at the time like I am grateful but I am telling you I am.
And I apologize in advance for biting your head off!
SK (snarky but skinny?)

Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.
~Ralph Marston


zehava said...

That's another one of my weight loss motivations: that people will have to listen to all of my health prosletyzing if I'm thin and not think in their heads, I don't have to listen to her, she's fat!

But I do really think this world would be better off without cream sauce or puff pastry or margarine for that matter. Not eating processed foods is the key to healthy living, that's what I say.

And based on my experience spending Shabbos with you last week, you definitely do need a plan. :) We can work on it together.

Stay tuned for my halfway to Pesach weigh in tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, yay us! Thanks man, it makes the sacrifice all worth it. Though I can't say there won't be presence of the P foods in the P household - puffed pastries, pasta, and other processed foods - when you aren't aorund, but your comapny is worth a little ascetisism. Anyway I felt too gross to care.
Keep focused on the prize, SK, and we are rooting for you!!!

SK said...

Z, I am really sorry but even when you are thin I don't really want to have to listen to your talks about the healthy advantages to a pineapple rind.
Although I do agree that we are better off without margarine.
And I frequently make a plan just so I can deviate :)

She-nerd said...

i think putting the blame on the type of food is the problem here. i am not into thinking certain foods are evil - even foods that contain trans fats. people need to practice moderation whether they're eating creamy pastas or hummus and carrot sticks. i mean, think about it, has NY really changed since they banned trans fats? on a public health level, i do not think that accomplishes anything (and it may actually do more harm than good b/c people "learn" that foods without trans fats that may be loaded with sodium, other fats, sugar, etc. are good for them...) argh...okay, i'll get off my soap box now.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm ... creamy pasta ....

zehava said...

Right, so when I eat carrots and hummus before I go to the gym I spoon out one spoonful of hummus and put it on a plate, so i know that is all I'm going to eat, no matter how hungry I am. I also try, as much as possible, to buy things in single servings. I agree with you that moderation and portion sizes are important things to be aware of. Sometimes its fine to eat pasta or pizza or steak or cake. These foods are yummy and not objectively bad for you (just tend to be higher in calories...) However, I would argue that its always bad for you to eat puff pastry or really any other highly processed food (like a store-bought muffin for example vs a muffin you baked at home), even only once in a while, or in moderation. That's my soapbox. :)

SaraK said...

Sarah, How about you & I look out for each other this weekend? I commissioned Yoch to pop popcorn for Sat nite. Looking forward to the swanky gym at the Sheraton on Sunday morning ;-)

SK said...
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SK said...

Ok SaraK I am game if you can put up with me! I will slap your hand if you slap mine!
And as far as the soap box I see the value in moderation. Yall already know that I cannot be all or nothing because I feel deprived. But I wonder if there are some things that NOONE should ever eat. Like, puff pastry? or cinabons? I mean deli roll once a month never killed anyone. And whose to decide? Some people would say no one should eat meat. So I think food is so involved in preference, culture, religion, taste, upbringing that there are very few things that I'd be able to justify just getting rid of. Unless they are poison.
Which I know Z will tell me that puff pastry is poison...

zehava said...

Ok, maybe deli roll once a month won't kill you, but does it need to be a staple of the Shabbos table? As She-Nerd can attest, the eating habits of the Frum community, especially on Shabbos, Yom Tov and special occasions are terrible....

Its important to have a diet that is mainly comprised of whole grains, lean proteins and fruits and veggies, even if you aren't overweight. Thin people drop dead too, unfortunately. I think this is something that people realize as they get older, when you are younger and you eat crap you feel fine, but eventually you'll just feel like crap. And who wants to feel like crap, even if the food tasted good?

Man, I have a lot to say about this. I should start a blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Z, I would love to see a detailed list of 'good' foods - meal plans, salad ideas, shabbos food ideas, daily goals (three dif veggies, one fruit, this much of this, this much of that) a sort of idiots guide - any interest?

zehava said...

Hmm...sure, but I will have to think about it for two reasons: 1) I focus a lot more on low calorie than health necessarily and 2) I like eating the same food all of the time which doesn't appeal to most people. :)

Maybe Sarah will let me guest post it on her blog. :)

SK said...

Z, I am happy for you to guest post. Prepare one and email it to me and I will post it. Any time next week. let me know.