Sunday, January 10, 2010

One week in

I am still here...barely.
Honestly seven days without chocolate was easier than I expected. Until Shabbos came. I had quite a funny experience on shabbos which I think most of you will enjoy (or have heard). I was eating out at a very lvoely family for Friday night dinner and it came time for challah. The Hamotzi was made and as the challah is being passed around I see that as everyone bites into it there is some gooey center to the challah. It did not take long to realize that that gooey center was chocolate filling and I was about to bite into it. My friends had quite a laugh and I quickly ate around the chocolate and handed the rest of the challah off to the girl next to me. It was a close call.
But I made it. One whole week without chocolate, and I survived. I have to say that it actually feels good to have that kind of self control. To look at something and say I am making a conscious decision not to have this because I want to have control of my life. I feel like this is one step in learning self control. Next month I may really try staying away from sugar. We will see.
For those of you that are thinking chocolate challah? that doesn't even appeal to me. You should just know it appealed to me, it appealed to me a LOT.
"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?" - Marquise de Sévigné


She-nerd said...

reminds me of the chocolate chip challah we got from a drug rep that shabbos - the one we thought was raisin challah. we weren't so into it then.
congrats on making it for a week!

SaraK said...

That is funny! Now that you mention it, I do remember that they usually have chocolate chip challah :)
Congrats to you for making it through week 1, I am very proud!

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that if I did what you were doing but withy pasta I would lose a lot of weight and be super irritable. Kudos to you for the self control and the ability to separate yourself from indulgent trappings.

Rock said...

someone mentioned to me over the weekend that you started blogging again..i hadn't heard the news! so glad you're doing always make me laugh and motivate me to 'drop the danish!'
remember the time we were pesach cleaning and found a chocolate bar i had hidden away purim time..and neither of us had any issued biting in to old stale crumbly rosemary chocolate??!! well..this year you'll be chocolate free in time for pesach findings...
keep up the great work!

Naomi said...

Wow. I need that kind of self control...chocolate is a hard one! Good for you!

t-dawgg said...

i gotta admit, chocolate challah sounds revolting :) but keep up the good work! if you ever want to come for a visit, i promise not to serve you any chocolate!