Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm back and fatter than ever

Hi guys! I have missed you and your comments!
I cannot believe the toll that the past few months has taken on me and how much weight I gained in that time. Wow. It's amazing that what takes so short to put on can take take a lifetime to get rid of.
But enough dwelling on the past and it's mistakes and on to dieting. I decided while I sit here waiting for the plumber to come that it was time to return to the blog and return to the diet. I thought if only they could stick that snake thing down me and suck out all the stuff clogging me up I would be thin and it's only $50. But then again, it's 10pm and they told me to expect him around 5:30pm. So it may be cheap but so far it ain't reliable.
That is a wonderful mashal for dieting. We can try the quick fixes and the easy way out but it often leads to short term goals and can make it difficult to reach our long term goals. So it's slow and steady again for me (which works about as well as quick and easy because it seems I like I gain it back either way).
I have made a commitment to try again and that is the best I can do. I am far from good at this but get better each time and keep coming back to it so I don't get completely out of control.
So wish me luck and I hope you will stand by me and cheer me on and possibly WIRE MY MOUTH SHUT.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Albert Einstein, who discovered that a tiny amount of mass is equal to a huge amount of energy, which explains why, as Einstein himself so eloquently put it in a famous 1939 speech to the Physics Department at Princeton, "You have to exercise for a week to work off the thigh fat from a single Snickers." ~Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns 50


SaraK said...

Yay! You are back! I was going to ask you when you were going to post again. After all the damage I did before Pesach, I am now fully committed to losing weight by Shavuos. I came back to NY on Sat nite so that I could shop and cook and prepare all the food I am going to eat this week. I will probably be going back to WW again, too. We can do this! (and sorry that you had to wait 5 hours for the plumber...bummer!)

zehava said...

Yay!!!! Welcome back Skatz! It's a lifelong never ends.....What can you do right? (just really enjoy it when you get to cheat? :))

Here's to a great active summer filled with lots of fun outdoor activities and fresh fruits and veggies (and maybe some low-fat frozen yogurt too....)

Marg said...

Yay!!! I've missed this blog. Sarah (I say as I shovel ice cream into my mouth)I am totally supportive of your endeavor as it will help me lose the weight I have gained since the blog went down. Though now I am once again flummoxed of how to cook for Shabbos ...

Yaffa/Yitz said...

I'm happy to see your blog active again. It's been rough for me, too, and I'm afraid that I've hit a plateau. Good luck with your new-found motivation. Stick with it.