Saturday, December 6, 2008

What could have been

I know you are all anxiously awaiting my post Shabbos post and would love to know that I nibbled a few bites here and there and am feeling so proud of myself.
Here is the harsh reality, I ate a lot. But here is the other reality. I could have eaten a lot more, and I mean a lot more.
My friend Sara (yes, I have many friends named Sara) and I always discuss that in dieting unfortunately you never get credit for what you could have done but didn't. Meaning, I really did pretty good this weekend. I skipped fish, I ate more salad, I did not eat all the noodles, I skipped the dessert offered at one meal. But, there an oneg and I ate twizzlers, I ate a few pieces of (nasty) chocolate candies ( not worth it -jelly marshmallow candies, but if they were good, I would have done a lot more damage) and I had a sliver of peanut butter mousse (worth every single bite). What will show on the scale? Only time will tell, but the fact that Sara was intending to give me a much bigger piece of mousse but was kind enough to give me a sliver, and Yoch kindly removed the twizzlers from in front of me, and I did not eat a single nutty chew (which I normally would have eaten 10 or 12), those things never show up on the scale. Its only what I ATE that shows up, not what I COULD HAVE eaten.
I feel like scales should come with two weights when you get on it: what you weigh after a Shabbos, what you could have weighed had you eaten all the brownies in the house. that would be a good motivator.

Seriously, I am merely stating that dieting takes so much effort and sometimes we have to just pat ourselves on the back for trying the best we can.
I am not one for starving myself and depriving myself of a peanut butter pie. Honestly, I am just not good at that. On the other hand I cannot allow myself to eat whatever I want, because often what I want is way, way more than I need and should be allowed to eat as a human being. I have to find the balance that is right for me. And I think at this point if I ate every Shabbos , like I did this one I could lose some weight, maybe not so fast, but it would come off. Had I eaten this Shabbos what I could have eaten and wanted to eat, well frankly, I'd be too embarassed to tell the truth in this blog.
I guess you will never know...
Have a good , healthy, and well balanced week.
Looking forward to hearing from y'all.
PS Does anyone know why they don't sell chocolate flavored gum? I could really use some!


Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean - with me it's more the spending - I don't get credit for having not bought something and it can be really annoying - and I feel it with food as well - I think the more positives you can fill up on the less this comes into play - but yes social times are the absolute hardest and it's always hard to feel that just this one bite is going to make such a difference ... I think though that you do in some ways get credit for passing on things because it does clear up some calorie space in a way - not that a full binge is in order but that you at least break even.
Maybe coupling Shabbos eating with a Shabbos walk or a motz shabbos physical activity is an idea - you can enjoy shabb a little more and feel less guilty?

SaraK said...

I will see you at the gym soon so we can work off all the Shabbas calories together! Shira made the most awesome chocolate mousse cake, I just couldn't resist. But, I did eat a lot of salad, skipped a kugel, and brought a side dish (bulgur - super healthy!) We'll see...

DeenaY said...

ok I just wrote a whole thing that got erased. But my point was just that yes Shabbos can be a challenge. You definitely get credit for what you don't eat because it COULD be a lot worse! I know. Just over Succos I did that. In one meal you have challah (with honey, so that adds at least a piece or two), soup with matzah balls, kugals, etc, oh and fish which adds a piece of challah and the dessert. I skipped the fish, that takes away challah, ask for no matzah balls and try to eat minimal dessert if at all. Also, try not to have startches in the meal, load up on the veggies the proteins and do not take seconds. Try to remind yourself how great the real food is and that you don't need the other stuff. If you really can't control yourself (and I am talking to myself sometimes)leave the table until that course is over, fill up on water, move your seat to be near some one else, get up and start clearing the table or busy yourself with a small child. All of those things work! I have tried them. And in the end the thing is that you feel so good about yourself, you are full but not stuffed and your clothing fit nicer. And as a bonus if you continue to eat this way you will lose weight and be able to buy more clothing that you look even better in!! That's my new thing since I LOVE to shop and dress up!!
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I used to always work out on early motsash because the night is really soooo long that you can work out and still have time to wash your hair, do makeup, AND go out!! Now that i live in israel, and dont have a sunday i find myself being a little more selfish with my nights. But I have to say it is the best feeling to do that!! Have a good week sarah, good job on the drinking things instead of eating!!
-shira Bernstein

She-nerd said...

sarah, to me it sounds like you did a fantastic job! i bet you saved tons of calories by just cutting down on that pie. great work! you can't go "cold turkey" with food right away, and anyway, you want to lose weight with a realistic meal plan so it stays off. so being more careful during the week and treating yourself a bit on shabbos - like you did - will get you there. plus the gym, and ww, and keeping up your blog!

SK said...

Thanks guys, great tips and ideas and it certainly makes me feel better about it.
I will say that i woke up this morning after a good night sleep ( which I don't usually get after Shabbos because I am so full) and I did nto fell that post Shabbos sick still in my stomach so I knew it was a better week/ I promptly went to my shiur and then went to the gym where I stayed on the treadmill for one hour running over 5 miles 60 minutes. I am proud and if I had Facebook, I would change my status to just ran 5 miles in one hour! that was for you, Z :)

SK said...

Is there a way to edit my comment once it is posted, its spelled wrong and makes no sense. What i meant was I did not feel that post Shabbos sick feeling.

Yedida said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yedida said...

It sounds like you did a great job to me. I personally give you lots of credit for all the things you didn't eat.

I did a little test for you on the comments - you can't edit your comment after you're done, but you can delete it. What I would do is copy your original comment (CTRL+C), then delete it, then paste (CTRL+V) your comment back into the comment box, edit it there and repost.

zehava said...

Thanks for the shout-out! I ran 6.25 miles in one hour today. :) The more weight you lose the easier it is to run, that's something I've noticed and another added motivation.

Good job on Shabbos! Make yourself a nice vegetable soup for the week. Very yummy, lo-cal and most importantly warm!

SK said...

Z that is intense. I can't hardly walk down the stairs tonight without my knees hurting. But that is amazing. Good Job!
I actually made a turkey chili tonight to eat all week. Its a low cal recipe from WW that I modified and I am hoping it is good. It smells good now.
And thanks Yedida for checking that out about editing. I will try to be more careful about my spelling before posting.

zehava said...

My body can handle it just fine, but unfortunately my feet cannot. :( Gotta figure out a solution for that....

Can I have the recipe for the turkey chili? I've recently really started to like the vegetarian ground beef, that would probably work really well with the recipe too.

SaraK said...

We should totally share recipes, that turkey chili sounds great.

She-nerd said...

speaking of recipes, you guys need to try this honey soy broiled salmon recipe:
it's easy and comes out good every time i make it, even if i am missing an ingredient or two.

She-nerd said...

darn the link got cut off. trying again:
Honey-Soy Broiled Salmon

SK said...

Darn, She-nerd.
I just made salmon yesterday and I could have used that recipe. Oh well, i am certain i will make it again.