Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Weigh In

So I finally went back to the scale to find out that I am FAT! Just joking, I am just heavier than I have been in I'd say 4 years.
For those of you that have never tried Weight Watchers, I am a big fan. But its always the same. If you lose they yell it out "great job, sarah, you lost 3 lbs this week". But you always know when you did not lose...the lady makes no eye contact with you and she says nothing. Then after you have sucked in all your gut on that scale and taken off every unnecessary piece of clothing she whispers barely audible..."you gained 3.5lbs" and then has the nerve to say something like..."the holidays are a difficult time". I am thinking to myself, "the holidays?? what holiday? try Shabbos EVERY week".
So here it is...I did gain about 3.5lbs since my last weigh in which was September 23. Mind you this was before "the holidays". The woman at the counter did say very kindly that it has been a long time since I was in and that is not so bad. But I am still 17lbs over my goal weight. Ugghhh! SEVENTEEN pounds. I only started at 22 lbs over my goal weight.
But its the new me, the motivated me, the inspired me and the blogging me. I can do this!
Wish me luck...


SaraK said...

You CAN do this! Slow and steady...

zehava said...

I believe in you!

She-nerd said...

i think winter is always a tough time for people. we're less active and we can hide in bulky sweaters and coats. but this is not an excuse. i just found out yesterday i gained 12 pounds already...too much :( so i am going to be careful about what i eat along with you guys too. let's do it!

Shira said...

.....and shabbos is a killer no matter what season. When you start treating it like it is the rest of the days of the week you will find yourself focusing more on what and how much you are eating. Like,come one, who sits down to a meal in the middle of the week and eats 3+ slices of bread..........plus 3 courses..... Also, when you are cooking yourself, no one says you have to cook the most fattening shabbos foods. Try to think about the things you will eat the most of once the company is gone.........and dont cook it because there will surely be tempting leftovers and no company around to help you eat it.......You can DEFINITELY do this. Tell yourself on shabbos that there is another one coming right up. Tell yourself that every day if you have to. I have the hardest time with shabbos too but you just have to put it in perspective, its a day off of work but you still have to eat and its still the same length as every other day of the week, so why do we really justify stuffing our faces.......not worth all your hard work.

SaraK said...

The problem with Shabbas when you are single is that you are almost always a guest at someone else's house and have little control over what is served. That's not to say that you can't limit portions, but filling up on healthy stuff is hard when you're not doing the cooking.

I'm happy to do WW friendly dishes next time we do Shabbas together. :)

SaraK said...

This came in my Inbox today. If you want me to post these regularly, let me know.
Superfoods for Health and Weight Loss

Anonymous said...

It's important to be realistic and not feel overly deprived when it comes to things like SHabbos (I will be, let's say, very good at lunch and then suddenly feel I am therefore entitled to eating more than I would have at lunch as soon as I get home, especially if the food in my fridge is particularly enticing). NOt having unhealthy food in the house is a help, but eating out can definitely be a struggle. I think a method of tit for tat is good - ie, you really like the challah at one person's house so you entitle yourself to that but then as a trade off you take less or none of something else. Also maybe make kiddush (day at least) before going to the house and try to have a light and healthy snack.

Esther Katz said...

Good morning everyone, start the day off right, have that glass of water that you really do not want to have. Oops am I talking to everyone? you know how it is, you try to convince yourself that everyone has a hard time with the same thing. I know all the vertures of water, I just can not get myself to drink it. Any tips, I have tried lemonade to go, that gets me one bottle of water a day. I have tried to get atleast two bottles (12 oz) a day and just cant do it. HELP!!!!!!! Oh I did forget to mention that I do find it a lot easier if I eat something saltly like peanuts raisins and chocolate chips. OOps there is the chocolate word again.

SaraK said...

Hi, Mom Katz! I like adding Crystal Light to water to make it more palatable. Everyone at WW are big fans of that. You could also keep a pitcher of water in the fridge with some lemon or lime slices - that may make it easier for you drink all the water you need.

zehava said...

Sarah,I miss your daily post. Where is it!

-SaraK: I went to that website. It's awesome! I love the success stories. Thanks for sharing.

Rivka said...

elGood morning all.
Happy anniversary to My parents ALlan and Esther Katz.
Yesterday was not a great day, since it's the Holiday" season, Dr.s offices send us goodies, and Guess what was here? RICKIS COOKIES!! SO I had to have one, which turned into 3. Today I pledge to be better. I know this is not really encouraging, but maybe there is some advice on how not to give into the temptation.
or how to control myself to just have one. hope everyone has a good day. RIvka

SaraK said...

This is a WW hint. When you feel you MUSt have chocolate or a treat, don't have a ton of cheap chocolate. Buy a gourmet, expensive chocolate and have ONE piece. Savor it.

Another hint re: the cookies at work. Take one and put it on a plate and leave it on your desk for a little bit. Then by the time you eat it, it's more meaningful, so to speak. Not just like grabbing it from the counter and stuffing it into your mouth. If you enjoy your food, you will need less of it.

For me, I make sure to have plenty of food that I can eat freely with me at work. Hot-air popcorn, cut up veggies, baby carrots, FF/SF pudding etc. If you have other options, it's easier to resist the food in the office. I'm lucky that my desk is not really near the kitchen so I would have to make a special trip to see what is put out. If you know there is food in a certain area, try to avoid it, if possible (I don't know how big your office is).

Hope these help you out a bit! Good luck!

Rivka said...

thanks those are great tips. I could definitely aviod the area where the food is. Have a great day.

SK said...

post is coming. Busy at work, and starving. Mom, WW counts caffeine free diet soda as good as water. Try diet sprite or fresca. Rivka, I am totally with you on your worries and its my downfall. I can't ever have just one, its so all or nothing for me. So I am trying so so hard to go with a lot of the tips Sara offers because if I enjoy it slowly then I can move on.
Good luck yall. Check for a post later today or tonight. Must get back to work.