Monday, December 1, 2008

Its my family's fault

It seems that there has been quite an overwhelming response to my blog which makes me happy.
(except for the fact that my mother posted as my father -that makes me sad-sorry Ma, I know you tried).
Speaking of you can obviously tell from my family's comments we LOVE chocolate. It does, in fact, make our clothes shrink. Now it would be easy for me to blame my weight struggles on the lot of them (as was suggested) but that will get me nowhere. They are really good people. And while my Mom and Dad are not the same person they both tried very hard to get us to eat healthy.
I am not sure if my father remembers, but when I was a child I liked Fruity Pebbles for breakfast. As far as I am concerned you may as well serve your children colored sprinkles for breakfast. Nonetheless, as most of my generation did, I ate them often. One morning the cereal looked different. I asked my father what is going on. He said "Fruity Pebbles made a new color, Brown". It took me a couple of minutes to realize that Fruity Pebbles had not in fact made a new color but my parents were trying to make me eat healthier breakfast and had added some kind of All Bran pebbles to my cereal.
But seriously, I am over the blame game. At this point in my life its MY fault. Time to take charge of my life and get over the branny pebbles.
In the same vain I think it is easy for us to blame society for what we have become, which is obsessed with being thin. Z sent me this link which I thought was worthwhile sharing about how society is obsessed with weight and body image.
Again, I am done with the blame game. I commit to at least trying to not blame anyone or any situation for the place I am in now. Now I am able to make my own choices and I will take responsibility for their consequences.
Anyway, today is the first weigh in day at WW since last month and I am nervous. I will keep you posted. Right after I finish my Branny Pebbles...


SaraK said...

Good for you! Blame gets you nowhere anyway. I gained over Thanksgiving weekend but lost it all by this morning, so I'm back at where I was on Wednesday. Now to get down from there...

SK said...

Yup, I agree. I just have to say I WISH I were where I was before Thanksgiving, but I went over the edge then. One day at a time. I bought instant cream of wheat and ate it for breakfast. Its not fruity pebbles...
When is lunch???

SaraK said...

Well, from what I saw, your weekend involved WAAAAY more food than mine did. And probably less activity too. Good for you, breakfast sounds good. Baby steps...

zehava said...

My favorite cereal in the whole entire world is plain puffed corn. 60 calories per cup. Thank you Ima K for that one. Hey, I eat turnips at the movies. :) I thought you were posting my tips today? How are all of the followers going to make it another day with all of their anticipation?? Good luck Sarah! Keep up the good work!

SK said...

Sorry Z, I thought your tips would be quite appropriate before Shabbos. So keep coming back. The truth is that now I could eat a bag of dry Crunchy Corn Bran for breakfast every morning. Its filling and lightly sweetened and full of fiber. But Key Food did not have it last ngiht, so I chose cream of wheat. I will have to make it with less water tomorrow, I think it will be better.

zehava said...

You should have included my sister's joke. I give you such good material for your blog. :)

SaraK said...

Z should be a contributor to the blog

Yoch said...

i ate crunchy corn bran for breakfast, does that mean i am dieting?

SK said...

I miss crunchy corn bran! I have been craving it. As far as Z contributing, lets keep in mind that my whole family is reading this so there has to be some censorship :). I mostly remember the joke Z, but post it in your comments, it was really funny.

zehava said...

To quote my very wise 17 year old sister Aliza:

Me: Aliza, you are so lucky that you are so naturally thin, how did that happen?

Aliza: Good genes.

Me: Ima and Abba don't have good genes!

Aliza: Duh, obviously they are recessive.

Glad I can entertain the masses (no pun intended....:))

Rivka said...

WHy does it have to be censored. we are all adults.

SK said...

you just don't know Zehava. :)

She-nerd said...

sarak, congrats on your weight loss! and i am happily eating crunchy corn bran down here for breakfast most mornings. although there was that day this week that i stopped at dunkin donuts...hey, you can't blame the FCY girl (FCY = formerly cholov yisroel)

Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting how food can take on so many meanings - a symbol of control, a comfort, a self destructive tendency - how often is it actually about hunger and survival?